ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ Spring 2022: Hope, Love, And Equity: A Critically Conscious Systems Thinking Approach / Amy Lassiter Ardell, Margaret Sauceda Curwen, and Kevin James Stockbridge


If educators are instrumental in socializing students into becoming global citizens, then the perspectives that inform them should advance the common good (Davis et al., 2015; Gialamas & Pelonis, 2017; van Oord & Corn, 2018). In this theoretical paper, we contend that systems thinking with its worldview of interconnectedness and interrelatedness (Capra & Luisi, 2014; Senge et al., 2012) can serve as a foundational lens for educators. We also assert that critical education theories that promote equity and social justice are essential, as they, like systems thinking, assist with naming inequities in order to identify how to take productive action.