ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ November 2017: Transforming K-12 Educational Institutions – The Global Morfosis Paradigm (gMp)


Stefanos Gialamas and Peggy Pelonis


K-12 academic institutions hold the power to transform the world. They can play a leading role in shaping and preparing young people tocope with and be productive members of an increasingly global society. Assuming such a role requires continuous attention to being aware of the tremendous influence institutions have on students and the responsibility that accompanies the relevant mindset. As we have previously stated (2008) the educational experiences students receive in K-12 schools are closely linked to their learning outcomes and to the opportunities they have, but they are also closely linked to their ability to interact with the world around them. As educators we must ask ourselves, what should education address today that is different from the past? It is a question that we address in the present article.