ISJ November 2013: Supporting the professional development of teaching assistants in an international context
Estelle Tarry & Anna Cox
It is difficult to know the precise number of international schools as there is ‘no international body that authorises the international school title’ (Hayden, 2012, p61). However the International Consultancy Group (ISC) research, published in 2013, suggests that there are approximately 6,500 schools providing an English medium education to over 3.3 million children and young people. It is clear that numbers have grown as a demand for schools grows in response to the increasing global mobility of professional families (Hayden, 2012, p61)
‘International schools have come to be seen as attractive not only by the globally-mobile but also, where “host country nationals” are permitted by their government to attend international schools’ (Hayden, 2012, p63).