ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ November 2013: Providing exceptional educational experiences to students with financial need A modern challenge for international K-12 Schools


Stefanos Gialamas & Peggy Pelonis


Current reality stresses and applauds the individual’s ability to be independent and to fend for oneself. Thus living in a rapidly evolving society where change occurs continuously and on multiple levels has created a need, more than ever before, for education that reflects this new reality. Changes in demographics, the forming of multicultural families, the diversity on an economic, educational, social and ethnic level, technology going global, as well as the further rise of multinational corporations are all changes that are challenging traditional values and principles (Gialamas & Pelonis, 2008).

‘Globalization means more competition for students, whose options are growing as their horizons expand and quality increases throughout the world’ (Jansen, Bielak, Broad, Armstrong, Gann, 2008).