ISJ November 2013: Curriculum for global citizenship
William G Huitt
This paper proposes the need to focus on developing holistic standards as the foundation for creating a curriculum for global citizenship and proposes a set of attributes that can serve as a beginning for a discussion of those standards. The need to make decisions about what to include and exclude in any specific school’s curriculum is also discussed.
The fast-paced change in the latter half of the 20th century that led to a technology-based, global society has continued unabated into the 21st century (Wagner, 2008). It is widely acknowledged that not only has the context of human activity changed, but children and youth have changed also (Tapscott, 2008). This dynamic interaction has left parents, educators, and concerned citizens throughout the world perplexed as to how best to prepare children and youth for successful adulthood. One alternative that has gained increasing support is to prepare children and youth for global citizenship. Discussions on precisely how to do that are often seen in their most concrete form in discussing curriculum.