ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ November 2012: Educational institutions: preparing young people to serve humanity


Stefanos Gialamas


Societal change, due to the complex functioning and globalization in many diverse and multiple dimensions, demands a different type of citizen. People need to live, work, develop and seek happiness locally under a global influence. Many previously well-established principles and values need to be questioned, re-examined and possibly challenged.

The development and nurturing of the new local or global individual must acquire different competencies, master new skills, and operate with a more complex set of rules, in order to feel conscientious about protecting the environment and be compassionate about a fellow citizen who might reside on a different continent. How do we prepare young people for such a demanding life? What kind of an educational experience should they receive and what are the appropriate universal principles and values that must guide their actions personally and professionally?