ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ Fall 2021: Book Review: The Goldilocks Map. A classroom teacher’s quest to evaluate ‘brain based’ teaching advice. Andrew Watson / Richard Pearce


How to recognise a Neuromyth
In the private enterprise world in which most International Schools function there is a constant supply of services offering miraculous aids to teaching. Every conference is a marketplace for solutions to problems, often claiming to unlock unparalleled opportunities for our students’ development, which we should not deny them. Common among promotional claims is the label ‘brain science’, and this excellent book equips the adventurous teacher to distinguish the genuine from the false claim. The function is important these days, and the job is admirably done. It also offers an approachable example of how critical thinking does vital work in the modern world, valid for critiquing any ‘research-based’ panaceas which enthusiasts may advocate. […]