ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ Fall 2020: Negotiating Lock-Down: A Study in Creativity and Well-being / Richard Parker


In March 2020, schools in the UK went into lock-down, dramatically changing the face of education. At the International School of London (ISL) we faced a period of upheaval and change on an unprecedented scale, but the school emerged from it as a stronger community. This article will explore why ISL was so successful in this period, and the factors leading to a new pride that emerged from the transformation we all experienced. Also discussed are two fundamental lessons that we, as a school, have taken from the experience. The first lesson is that community well-being has to be a central feature to all planning in a period of unusual change. The second is that teachers, students, and parents are capable of extraordinary creativity in demanding and unusual situations.