ISJ Internation Schools Journal Envisioning the K-Graduate Education Paradigm
ACS Athens

ISJ April 2017: Evolving the IB Middle Years Programme, Part three – Assessment


Robert Harrison and Stephen Miller


In 2016, the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) introduced a new model for external assessment of achievement for MYP year 5 students. This significant change represent the most difficult and innovative— and, for some, controversial—aspect in the re-design of the program that was launched in 2014. The broader refinement of school-based assessment, as well as the structure of the new external model, have been described by Villegas (2016) and Hegarty (2016). As has the initial development and trial implementation of the programme’s new on-screen examinations (Hamer, R et al., 2013). This article steps back to place these developments within a broader context of assessment reform, more specifically within the history of the MYP. It goes on to review the new model’s organizational setting and educational intention, focusing on some of the promises and challenges of assessing student achievement with a digital platform. Finally, it considers some of the limitations and possible futures for MYP eAssessment.