ISJ April 2014: Historical vignette – A Middle Eastern Odyssey
Norm Dean
Odyssey is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a long journey full of adventures, a series of experiences that give knowledge or understanding to someone.
I’m not certain that eight years would constitute a ‘long’ journey, but my time working and living in Dubai most definitely qualifies on every other aspect of that definition. It is now time for me to move on to new adventures in another far away land and as I prepare to do so it seems timely, and indeed cathartic, to reflect on my time here.
I well remember my early-morning arrival into Dubai in August 2006 where I was confronted by heat, dust and sandstorms like I’d never experienced. I was to learn in time of the oppressive summer weather that inflicts torment upon this region, balanced by the mild winters and the eternal beauty of the desert landscape.